Nishkulanand Kavya

Nishkulanand Kavya was written by Pu. Nishkulanand Swami. Although Swami never went to school, he wrote some of the most knowledge-filled and influential scriptures of the Swaminarayan Sampraday. He wrote 23 scriptures in total. All of them, excluding Bhakt Chintamani, comprise the Nishkulanand Kavya. Pu. Niskulanand Swami wrote this compilation of 22 scriptures after Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan gave him diksha to become a Saint. These scriptures were written by Pu. Swami in the small village of Aadhoy. Some of the prominent scriptures from this collection include Yamdanda, Purshottam Prakash, Dhirajakhyan, Chosathpadi among others. When we read the words of Pu. Swami, we can feel that he had realized the true form of Maharaj. Each individual scripture addresses a different spiritual topic. Yam Dand and Hruday Prakash act as life guides, instructing us on how we should navigate through life and what we should and should not do. Sneh Geeta allows us to nurture and strengthen our love for Maharaj. It is a scripture of universal humanity. Vachan Vidhi covers the commandments of the Swaminarayan Sampraday, the merits of abiding by these codes of conduct and ways of strengthening one’s will-power in order to abide by these conducts. These, along with the other scriptures in Nishkulanand Kavya, will give you a well rounded teaching of Maharaj and Swaminarayan Sampraday. Furthermore, by reading all of even parts of Nishulanand Kavya, one is bound to establish a divine connect with Maharaj. The more we read scriptures like Niskulanand Kavya, the closer we are to remembering Maharaj and experiencing His grandeur Almightiness every single moment.
EditorPu. Gyanjivandasji Swami - Kundaldham
Edition3rd Edition, 07 May 2019
Page Count923