Kirtan Sarovar

Kirtan Sarovar is the conglomeration of the melodious kirtans of the following four Nand santos for the first time in Swaminarayan sect: 1. Sadguru Shree Gyananand Muni, 2. Sadguru Shree Dharmanand Swami, 3. Sadguru Shree Dhyananand Swami, and 4. Sadguru Shree Tyaganand Swami.  Haribhaktos, who either have strong desire to attain God or the ones who are already basking in the immense joy of God's attainment, love Kirtan bhakti.  Agitation of all the three bodies of one's soul gets incarcerated by indulging in this treasure of kirtans dedicated to Purna Purushottam Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan, similar to how physical body's agitation gets incarcerated by bathing in a lake.  This publication of new kirtans of Nand Santo will be greatly beneficial to the spiritual souls.
Edition2nd Edition, 16 May 2014
Page Count179